
This page contains the current collections and links to the marketplaces. You can choose to mint (purchase and be the first owner) or purchase on the secondary market from another owner willing to sell. The mint prices are set by Digital Music Shed whereas secondary sales are set by their current owner. For a step by step guide to ownership please see our how to purchase article.

Sophia Stutchbury : Devil In Me

You can currently mint an NFT from Sophia Stutchbury for her track, ‘Devil In Me’. The collection is 110 NFTs priced at 0.05 ETH (approximately £75/$90) + transaction fee.

About “Devil in Me”

“The song Devil in Me possesses a playful charm, specifically crafted to capture the essence of a love affair or the initial stages of falling for someone. The lyrics, ‘You wake the devil in me,’ evoke a sense of mischief and excitement. What I truly enjoy about this song is its ability to incorporate elements from various genres, resulting in a delightful fusion. Produced by the talented Tim Smith, also known as Technical Finger, the song gains an additional layer of flair and creativity.

Collaborating with guitarist Colin Weir, whose rock background shines through, adds a sassy edge to the overall composition. Performing this song live is an absolute delight, and even listening to the studio recording brings me immense joy. Those fortunate enough to have had the exclusive opportunity to hear it have expressed that Devil in Me is one of their favourite songs, and this feedback fills me with happiness. So let’s unleash that mischievous little devil within!”

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