
Who are are

We provide a unique business model for musical artists and their fans. Becoming a shareholder in the Digital rights business allows people to own shares in musicians’ songs and offers fans a transformative experience. It goes beyond the traditional role of a listener, granting fans financial stakes, active participation, and a say in the artist’s career. Shareholders enjoy exclusive perks, potential investment growth, and a deep sense of connection with the artist and the fan community. This innovative approach to music ownership redefines the relationship between fans and artists, creating a collaborative and mutually rewarding ecosystem.

Digital Music Shed is providing a unique solution for both artists and fans, where artists generate up front revenues, by sharing their Digital Rights with fans who part ownership of their chosen artists music, both can benefit in knowing that with the option of selecting a charity they are supporting good causes.

“Without music life would be a mistake” Friedrich Nietzsche

How it works

We validate each artist and then help with song selection through to recording and production of the Digital Rights Certificates. They have the choice to nominate an associated registered charity or chose one of your own. Each artist will set a goal for how much revenue they would like to achieve by the sale of their Digital rights, depending on size of their fan base and popularity. Then for example if they wish to return £10K from a piece of their music, they would be allowing fans to invest in 1% of the rights for £100.

Start your collection here

For fans and investors, we are delivering a unique way to buy shares in the Digital Rights to an artist’s music and thereby benefit from not only future PRS revenues & further resale of the rights, but to have a collection that is personal to them for future legacy and nostalgia. They can be assured that they have helped new up and coming or existing and established artists in a cause and project for which they share a joint passion for change.

By holding shares in a musician’s song, fans become more than just passive listeners; they become valued stakeholders in the artist’s success. This newfound sense of ownership often piques the curiosity and enthusiasm of fans, inspiring them to actively seek out opportunities to engage with the artist on a deeper level. Typically, you can purchase initial rights starting from £100, with your own unique digital wallet and a smart contract in the blockchain for a percentage % of the music rights of a song or collection of songs purchased. Digital Music Shed will provide you personalised signed certificate of ownership from the artist that you keep and build your own collection and access unique benefits of being in the artist shareholders.

The team

Eddy Ankrett

With experience on both sides of the board table, as both CEO and NED, Eddy is experienced in the challenges that a growing business faces and in particular the critical role that strategy plays in every aspect of a company’s operations, not just the obvious ones. See www.eddyankrett.co.uk

Andrew Freke

An entrepreneur in Digital Business Transformation, with experience in Information Security Solutions across several industry sectors including Media, Telco, Energy and Financial Services. An aero engineer by background with a passion for creativity and the music business for which this idea is formed to help musicians and charitable causes. 

Danny McCormack

Triple platinum disc record producer/arranger/conductor and musical director with 31 years experience in the recording and touring music business.

David Minns

Software developer for web and block chain. David has experience in NFT collections from a number of art collections which he has founded.